

I used to have decent enunciation. In debate you work hard on that. Making sure that at least the words are understood is kinda important when you're talking about foreign policy to a bunch of parents who mostly don't care. Sometimes they were foreign themselves which just added a layer of complexity you had to figure out. The threat of hegemony didn't mean a thing to them.

But recently I've found myself slipping terribly. I was talking to someone about my family's first gen 360 finally red ringing and I kept saying red wing. The Red Wings are an amazing hockey team. Or something far less G-rated. But it is rather ridiculous to keep saying "the red winged xbox." I just picture a black Xbox sprouting big red wings and flapping when you turn it on. No more happy start up sound, it's a screeching bird instead. I did it just the other night when I was bonding with my roommate. I could not say Credence Clearwater Revival to save my life. Cweedence Queerwater. Swear to god that's what I said. What am I, five? Did I just forget how to pronounce consonants in repetition?

I don't normally get tongue-tied. I mumble, sure, but that's how I talk, kinda softly but quickly. I feel like more and more often I'm having to really think about what I want to say before I say it. And it's really super annoying. I'm happy to share my thoughts and opinions, and I know I'm capable of being articulate, but if I can't do that efficiently I look like a fool. It's really annoying too because it seems to happen most often around people I feel the need to impress or make a favorable impression on. Also around guys I like, but I think a lot of people feel that way (C, I am totally looking at you).

But really, this stumbling issue is getting to the point that I think I need to do speaking exercises. Speech kiddos know anything I could do to help eliminate this?

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