

Since I started kindergarten, I've been aware that there was something that set me apart from the rest of the students. Before now I've never been able to put a finger on it, but now I know what it is.

I have a very fast learning curve, but it plateaus a bit earlier than most. Which is odd, considering that my IQ is in the top 5% (assuming normal distribution). I've noticed it in everything that I do. The academic subjects - reading, writing, spelling, grammar, math, science. Vocabulary is the one exception to this rule, but the many hours spent with SAT flashcards explain that. Of course, I rarely use even 50% of my vocabulary in everyday conversation. I don't know the standard rate, but that seems generous enough. Non-academic subjects - sports, video games, cooking. I am able to keep my head far above water with regards to technology, but I attribute that to growing up in the capitol of Silicon Valley.

At any rate, I just noticed this today after a bit of consideration and just thought I'd share.