
Humor Me

Boys are funny. I'm not sure girls really get it. Guys are so much funnier than we are. They make a lot more jokes, they say a lot more stupid things, they try a lot harder to make conversations lighter.

I like hanging out with guys because they make a lot of perverted jokes. I think when I hang out with mostly girls and someone makes a "that's what she said" comment, I'm far less likely to point it out than I would if I were in a group with mostly guys. I feel like typical guy humor fits my humor a lot better. I have so many immature comments that I hold back most of the time, but if I'm around guys I don't worry about it. And it usually gets even more laughs than if a guy had said it. I love it. Being one of the guys is awesome. I forgot how much I enjoyed it.

I don't worry so much about how I phrase things. If it comes out wrong, it's a joke and that's fine. If I trip over my words I just quote Adam Sandler ("t-t-t-t-todaaaay, junior!") and it's all good. No one's judging me. Just spit it out somehow, we'll figure it out.

The downfall of hanging out with guys is that they have a weird way of doing serious talk. It feels more like an interview than a conversation. It freaks me out. I want to make some comment to force them to crack a smile, to slip up, something! I think it's more in the body language. Girls tilt their heads and lean in and nod or frown and guys remain far more stoic.

I don't want to hang out with a group of guys all being serious. It's BORING. Girls being serious is dramatic and entertaining. Around guys it's all "meh, girls are crazy" "meh, what ya gonna do?" "yeah. meh." BLAAAAH. Tell me the stories. Tell me why these girls are crazy. Tell me what exactly you did about it b/c obviously you aren't putting up with the craziness anymore. Just...humor me a little bit. Indulge me.

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