
Back to School

Let's cut the philosophical crap for a second and allow me to give you a life update, huh?

I'm sitting in my 2-bedroom apartment listening to my somewhat shy roommate flirt with her friend. It's kinda funny. And cute. It also makes me realize that I'm actually fairly good at reading people through their tone of voice. But that's another post, huh? I'm all moved in except for clothes and some minor decorations for the room (read: I have absolutely nothing on the walls and it's creeping me out) and...my bunny! I spoke to my roommate right before her friend arrived and her eyes lit up when I asked if I could have a rabbit. So I'm pleased about that. Milo will actually get taken care of this year. He needs that.

I'm waiting for my TV to recognize all the channels we have here (They increased it from last year! But now I have to memorize new channels. Bother.) before going to buy books. Then I'm going to wander around a state park b/c all this "being responsible" and "getting ready for school" stuff is making me want summer back. Then I'm going to drive home. It'll be a decent day.

I'm ready to be back in this environment, but I'm not sure I'm ready for school to start. People keep asking me what courses I'm taking, and I honestly can't even remember. 3 journalism courses, 2 education and 1 Japanese. I think that's right. Sounds right. I guess I'll know when I go buy books, huh? XD

I'm excited for more people to move back to college. Right now it's just a few friends who are here and I kinda feel like I'm clinging to the ones who are. I need L to move back, stat. She visited me this summer, did I mention that? I showed her all around IN. Turns out, I'm actually a decent guide. And I can adjust the tour based on personal preferences. For only living in that state for a few years, I actually know a decent amount about it. Kinda proud.

Well, the TV is done so I should get going to the bookstore. [gasps] I just realized. I can get BOBA! I love this town. =D

1 comment:

Jezli H said...

Happy back to school! Holy crap that is a lot of classes. And hooray for Milo. He's a funny bunny.