
My 2nd Night Without Shoes

I have a bad habit of just not wearing shoes when it matters, I guess. Hopefully some of you remember my first night without shoes. This night was not quite as epic and no where near as lengthy, but still one of my favorite "How the hell did I wind up in this situation?" college stories.

My old roommate has a birthday at the end January. She threw a party one weekend. I was sober driver for one of my friends who wanted to go to a different party first. I was just dropping her off, so I didn't wear shoes when I ran the 20 feet from my apartment to my car. But then she invites me to the party. And insists on me going in. So I do. People ask me why I'm not wearing shoes and I answer that since it's a luau themed party, shoes didn't seem necessary. How convenient, huh? They buy this story and I am able to mingle and join a group.

Then the group decides to break out a hookah and smoke some apple flavored tobacco. We go outside. Keep in mind, it's January. In the Midwest. At night. It's below freezing out and there's snow on the ground from the last fall a couple of days ago. And I. Don't. Have. Shoes. Once people stop trying to get me to try some of the hookah, they offer me drinks to warm me up. A sip of a mixed drink here, a wine cooler there...before I knew it, I had a mild buzz. For the first time. Outside in late January without shoes. Awesome.

By the time I decide to go back to my house, the buzz has worn off. But not for long. See, back at the apartment the party has picked up and once people hear about how I froze my feet off, they want to warm me up. With a Smirnoff Ice. And card games. And bad sing alongs. And piling 5 people onto a 3 person couch. XD

So! Lessons learned from this. Always wear your shoes when you leave the house. No matter what. If you're cold, alcohol really does help. Hookah just doesn't taste that great. And if you are in need of alcohol, go with sympathy. Works like a charm.


Jezli H said...

Alcohol does warm you up. It does this by opening up your vessels to your extremities. Since it was only your feet that were cold, this is fine. But for heaven's sake, please don't do this if you ever get caught in an avalanche. There's a reason why your body cuts off blood flow to certain areas when you're cold. More important body parts must be protected!

Or else.

Ashley said...

See, I read that and I just wondered why on earth would I have alcohol on the slopes in the first place?

But. You know. To each their own. XD I promise I won't ski and drink.