
Ice Skating

I have tried and tried to write this post, but it's just never happened. It'll sit with the drafts of posts and watch as the ones around it get picked for posting and wonder why it isn't good enough.

But that's how I feel about ice skating. It's not good enough. I wasn't good enough. I like to breeze over the fact that I ice skated because I've changed so much since then. Because I always feel like it's the one time I really let something go I was passionate about. Because I was only 9 years old when I quit.

But none of that really makes sense does it? I can't just write about it in choppy sentences and vague explanations. So I'm taking a leaf out of J's book and doing a video blog. And hopefully I will verbally explain things better than I could write them.

I'm never doing a video blog again. That took way to damn much effort.

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