

Do you remember when we had to do the personality typing in middle and high school? I must have had to take different tests in different classes at least 3 times. And then we'd take the tests that tell us which jobs we'd like that would match with our personalities? Yeah, those tedious things. On different days, in different years, I'd get different results. I would be introverted instead of extroverted. I would get judging instead of perceiving. But the intuition and thinking never changed.

I'm fairly certain what I've put in the title is my type. I'm extroverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving. I walk an incredibly fine line between introversion and extroversion, and I'm sure as hell judgmental a lot of the time, but at my core, that is what I am. I think the extroversion has happened more recently. I'm returning to the outward display of my emotions. Which makes for some interesting interactions with people.

Like when I was talking to a few Geek Squad guys about my laptop (yeah, that's how messed up it is. I got to talk to more than one of them). I'd happily bounce from explaining the start-up sound to what I was doing when the laptop died to animatedly showing what it's doing now...I was very bubbly about it all. And when they gave me good news ("Well it's not the motherboard..."), I'd spin around and be all happy. And when they gave me bad news ("...mainly because Macs don't have motherboards. It's probably the drive board, which is kind of like the motherboard."), I'd nearly fall to the ground. The perceiving is a little bit more difficult for me to determine, and I'm not certain I'm not judging. I'm really judging, guys. I judge people a lot. But I also like to claim I'm perceptive. And I guess when it boils down to it, women are typically more perceiving and non-judgmental so that's my explanation for that.

I was surprised to find that a close friend is an ESFJ. We're almost exact opposites. It made me wonder if she as well was close to being the opposite on a few of those. I always thought she was more perceiving and maybe perhaps a bit on the more intuitive side. Definitely feeling. But it got me thinking, maybe people aren't as they seem. I'm not sure people would say I'm ENTP, though I myself know I am. It's the perceiving that would really throw them off. I guarantee it. Would you have guessed that I am an ENTP?  Do you think people would guess what you are?


Jezli H said...

Well you're not an ENTJ which is what I am, so ENTP has always made sense to me. I think most P's are more judgemental than they'd like to think, you just don't try to mask it. :)

Alaurei said...

I totally remember those tests! I am definitely an INTJ. And I've gotten that answer a few times and I guess it makes sense, haha. But have you ever read the book that goes along with it? It was a really interesting read actually because it talks about the different combinations you can get, and it's usually pretty close in lifestyle and such (what you're comfortable with / uncomfortable with in social situations, what your ideal job would bet, etc.)