
Just Shoot Me: Bonus Level!

I considered many different ways to talk about this topic. In one way I went into a lot of detail about myself and gaming. It's fun and it'll give you insight to who I am as a gamer, so I want to post it anyway. Some things have been deleted because they were too repetitive thus eliminating any flow. Sorry. Deal with it.

I love criticizing the PS3. I talked excitedly with a classmate about Bioshock 2, despite never playing Bioshock and really only learning about the game the week before the sequel was released.

I don't actually own a gaming system, only stole my family's unused Wii. I've slowly worked my way to the TP Water Temple on that system, though I'm past the Temple of Time in the GC version. I've played all the Mario Karts, but Double Dash remains my favorite and it kills me I can't play it on a weekly basis. I played Guitar Hero and DDR a few times freshman year, as well as almost worked my way through the first Halo campaign on Heroic (had a weird dream with 343 Guilty Spark and GLaDOS, stopped playing). A friend brought over his PS2 and I played my way through half of Okami. I also played Spore (to Space Phase), 25% of Half-Life 2 (without playing the first) and perhaps 15% of Fallout 3 (again, without playing the others). That was the height of my gaming career.

I go on these week long gaming sprees where I wake up early and go to sleep late to play further in X-game, but what happens after the week? You tell me - I don't know how any of the games go after 10 play hours. Since Portal can easily be beaten in under 10 hours, it is the only game I believe I have completed. Even Pokemon games on the Game Boy - I never finished them. I still have my Red version, saved right before the last battle because I was so freaking attached to my Venusaur, I couldn't bear to lose him. He's been transfered to Silver and possibly to Ruby. I did the same with my Dragonite. Both were in their 70s without rare candies or additional training when I transferred them. Probably in their 80s now, if not maxed out. Go me.

I'm a major liability to have on Live.

I can talk the talk, but I can't walk the walk. But I never claimed I could.

Should we just stick to playing Guitar Hero while never being able to master that orange button? Should we stay with our Animal Crossings and Sims and Maplestories? Or should we beat all the Halos and CODs and Gears of Wars on their most difficult levels? Should we be able to survive Through the Fire and the Flames? You tell me.

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