
I Must be Dreaming

I've done a dream post before and most people know my tendency to have strange and unrealistic dreams. But last week I had realistic dreams. Dreams where everything is status quo. Location matches with the correct group of people. Those people act and react as they should. No video game characters enter the real world, nor do I enter their's. No one dies.

I've decided I much prefer my unrealistic dreams. These realistic dreams make me think too much. I'll wake up and have to sit there for a minute and collect myself. I'm at home, I'm in my bed, it didn't actually happen, it was just a dream. Now, that's not to say I don't enjoy these dreams. I do. They're fun and rather lighthearted. My dreams feature people I haven't seen in a while, so it's nice to have that connection to them, even if it's just my subconscious.

But in some way, it's like all my fears are unlocked in these dreams. Any fleeting thought becomes the focus. That old friend I lost touch with that I happened to think about briefly now plays a major role. That stupid crush from high school makes an appearance, complications and confusion ensue. I'm used to these people playing minor roles with one line, or maybe even none, in a brief scene in my dream. I'm not used to realistic reunions at normal places like malls. My dreams have a flair for the dramatic. Things should have went down at a castle. I'm not used to people being themselves in my dreams. They usually mold to what I want, my ideal for them. That's the whole point of dreams, right? Dreams are crazy and they wouldn't actually happen in the real world. They're just manifestations of what you want. It's what makes them dreams.

So what I want most is for people to be themselves? It's true for a few people in my life, but they are not the people featured in the dreams. The people in my dreams are ones I have slipped out of contact with. So what I want is to get back in contact with them? Eh. No. I'm sure a chance meeting with any person in my dreams wouldn't be a bad thing, but it's not something I'd actively seek.

What's the deal, subconscious? Are the unrealistic dreams just not fun enough anymore? Because I really like them. Give them back.

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