
Husband Hunting

My mom's best friend is like my second mom. Only better. Because I don't have to worry about censoring myself too much. I figure she'll tell my mom everything sooner or later, but in a far more tactful way than I'd have put it. And that works for me.

I took a day trip to Amish country with my mom, my second mom, and my second mom's other best friend almost a month ago. We shared two rooms, and I shared a room with my second mom as the other two are snorers and we're both light sleepers. We spent some time talking after the other two had returned to their room. She and I were talking about my then very recent break-up. She was trying to tell me I should date around. Tried to get me to promise to go on 5 dates with different people before entering a relationship. I agreed to 2, but I'll try for 3. She decided, after this, that I was not really into the idea of dating around. I'm husband hunting. I balked at the term. Husband hunting. Ick. No. I just want to only have serious romantic relationships. If they can be counted on one hand when I die, that'd be ideal.

I've accepted it now. Husband hunting isn't so bad. It's bad when you don't know what you want. So my second mom told me to make a list of the things I want in a guy. If he doesn't meet 2/3rds after a first date, don't bother with the second. This is excepting the things that you don't really learn until after the first date. But, see, I figure for me to really honestly agree and look forward to a first date, I have to have a decent idea of who this guy is, so I probably know some of them.

I want to be held accountable to this list. Not just by myself, though that part is important, but by my friends. This list is not final. It will grow. However, I highly doubt any item will be deleted from this first draft. But I want your help, and I'd like to hear your own list, if you'd like to share. These aren't in any particular order, but the first is my biggest issue. (Please imagine my comments in parentheses to be accompanied by my joking/lighter tone and/or a bit of a laugh. Putting "XD" "XP" or "haha" got repetitive.)

  • Smart: Preferably smarter than me. I like being challenged.
  • Foodie: I don't care if he can cook, I don't care if he wants to have fast food 10 times a week. But he will enjoy spending hours at specialty food stores with me, even if we don't buy anything, and not just for the fact we are spending time together. He will not mind going out and spending $100+ on a dinner out. The frequency depends on his...
  • Job/Money: I don't much care what he does, but if he makes less than I make as a teacher or journalist, he's out. I want a life where I don't have to work if I don't want to and not worry about the impact that will have on our lifestyle. I do not mind those who will think I wish to be a kept wife. I like how I was raised, but I watch my mom and I can tell something is missing for her. And I think that was having a career. I'm a little off topic; adjusting for inflation a little, let's say I'd like my husband to make 60k+/year. (So with that we can go for that kind of dinner once every 3 months-ish? Maybe I should bump that salary up...)
  • Socially Liberal: I care about economic leanings a bit, but I can put those differences aside. It's super difficult for me to deal with people who aren't socially liberal. Even socially moderate it kinda bugs me. I like talking about politics and I can't stand it if my SO disagrees with me. Because I don't want to argue about that. So we better agree.
  • Geeky: Ways can vary. But if it's not obvious after the first date, forget it. I'm geeky. If geekiness isn't invited, I'm outie.
  • World Traveller: If not yet, then aspires to. Has a list of places he wants to go and why. Must have passport within a year of us dating. Does not allow it to expire.
  • Open: Has a "take me as I am" attitude about who he is. Acknowledges his past, does not let it rule him. Will hold me accountable to the same standard.
  • Dog Lover: Can like cats, but if it boils down to it will pick dogs over cats. Wants a dog to raise with family. Will love my dog, but accepts it is MY dog. If neither of us have a dog, will go to Humane Society with me to volunteer and/or go to dog parks to interact with dogs. (This can be just to spend time with me. Less important than foodie.)
  • Follows a Sport: Doesn't have to be my sport/s. Just a sport. Different ones are actually ideal so we can learn about each other's teams. If he likes the Calgary Flames he is automatically disqualified. I. Don't. Care. Very serious about that.
  • Reads: I don't care what. I don't care how. It can be history books from the library or the latest D&D rules he just d/led. Just read. There is always time to read.
  • Bonus Points: I feel like I should address physical appearance because physical appearance matters in any romantic relationship. Taller than 5'10", dirty blonde hair, exceptionally well groomed facial hair (if any, no full beards), no 6-pack or beer gut (firm to squishy, but no rock hard or jiggle, savvy?), does not wear obvious athletic shoes unless exercising. None of those are requirements. No one will be eliminated based on them. It's just an ideal that I want to make note of. Just like I hope some guy is making note that they want a curvy, small waisted, brown haired, blue eyed, 5'6" girl who hardly ever wears make-up. Or, you know, maybe just a few of those.

Please please please do tell me if you think there's something that I absolutely must add to my list right this second. I'm very interested to hear what strikes you all as a quality my husband must have that I was unable to think of in two hours of work on this post.

[edit: I tried for 10 minutes and went through multiple repostings of the same thing b/c the dang bullet points were bothering me. I'm too tired to deal with it now. Sorry the spacing is all funky. Know it irks me more than it irks you.]


Jezli H said...


Carrie said...

I loved this post! And I totally agree with you! "Every date is a potential mate!" is a quote I oft hear. Not like I've ever dated or see that happening anytime soon. But really I totally agree with relationships being on the serious side!
I love your list too :D Especially the sports section. Oh how team loyalty can divide!

I will definitely keep these qualities in mind and hound the people that you start to consider >)