
No thanks, I'm just looking

I've been out and about a lot the past few days, interacting with a lot of people. And I've been noticing a lot of people looking at me. Maybe it's been my outfits - either totally cute or totally chill. We're talking tank tops with boobage and skinnier jeans or guy style shirt with shorts.

And here's the thing, it's not been just the casual "Oh, I'm just looking around" it's been dead on eye contact. It's starting to freak me out. But in a good way too. I'm still a girl, after all.

It started with Blader. He was roller blading. I was walking my woofs (I call the family dogs my woofs). He passed by twice. Smiled at me both times. I saw him a bit later. He was sitting on a bench, catching his breath. He looked up and smiled at me again. Now, when someone is that friendly I smile back and assume I know them. But I was given three chances to look at Blader and I am certain I do not know him. We perhaps went to high school together, but I don't think he was my year and I know we did not share any classes.

I recently went to lunch with two friends from high school (I'm reconnecting, isn't that nice? I'll write a post about it as more develops). We met at a local mall, had a long lunch and caught up, gossiped a lot, then walked around. Twice my friends pointed out that a guy was looking at me. I joked back that since there are three cute girls and we're being rather loud, he could be looking at any of us, but they were certain it was me. I don't have proof, and prefer to think that they were just trying to make me feel good about myself.

I went to Ball State the other day to meet with an advisor. I arrived and parked near a residence hall. A group of guys were walking back from a class. A tall brown haired guy looked at me. Maybe it was because I looked lost. I tilt my head and smile a bit. He grins.

Tomorrow I go to the humane society for my group training. We'll see if the staring continues.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Hottie. :P Attention is always appreciated when it's wanted, isn't it?