
Dear Biological Clock,

Please stop ticking frantically. You have plenty of time. Stop being influenced by silly TV shows about dress shopping. I mean it! STOP IT! You forced me to switch to Comedy Central and listen to fart jokes. Yeah, see the pain you're causing me?

Listen. You are not registering at some stupid wedding planning site because it gives you access to two other sites about freaking married life. You're less than a week from 20. JUST 20. You don't need to get married right now. I know all the middle class kids are doing it, but you're not them. You are upper middle class! You graduate college before getting married. No more planning!

So, I (being your rational side) am going to cater to your desires right now. But let's think about this rationally, yes? You're in a committed relationship and it's going pretty well. So, you've got three more years of college, yeah? Then you guys can live together, maybe even before (since he only has one more year)? So that's almost 6 years together overall. Before you even graduate college. And you'll only be newly 23 when you graduate. Give it a couple of years. Mom and Dad didn't get married until 28. And they're better off than a lot of their friends who married younger. You don't want to be in the half that divorces do you? NO! DUH!

Therefore, I politely request that you. Please. Freaking. CUT! IT! OUT!

The Brain


Jezli H said...

It's weird that you think your clock is ticking now because I expected mine to start at about 30, not anytime soon...

Ashley said...

I tend to think that our biological clocks started ticking the moment we started our periods and sometimes they let the minutes tick by slowly, other times very quickly. It's kind of like sitting in a boring class v. an engaging class.

Carrie said...

HAHAHAA I love this post. Dude my friends and I talk about children all the time and none of us have bfs!

It's a time bomb waiting to explode and it does when you least expect it x)