
Girl Say What, Say What?

I know I am a college student. I am an adult. I do not know how this happened.

Over the past year I have become a Disney channel addict.

I admit it. It's great entertainment for when you need a study break, and decent background noise for when you actually are studying. The storylines are simple enough for you to follow along without really paying much attention anyway.

It started out as just watching the nightly movie. Then it turned into watching whatever was on after the movie. Then I would turn it on late at night to see if any of the older shows that I watched were on. That's how I got hooked on Life With Derek, a modern Canadian version of the Brady Bunch. Then, one lazy Saturday afternoon, my good friend, L, was channel surfing and was intrigued by a funny theme song - Suite Life on Deck. We fell in love with the twin brother's silly escapades, the sweet country girl's innocence and the dumb heiress's witty one-liners. Pretty soon anytime I had the TV on, I was watching Disney channel.

At the same time, my boyfriend was developing a similar addiction. He heard a Miley Cyrus song on the radio and, in his nerdy fashion, set up his computer to record Hannah Montana any time it happened to be on. One time he happened to watch the show on after, Wizards on Waverly Place. Thus his obsession began.

Soon Disney introduced a new show - Sonny With a Chance - and shortly after, thanks to the success of the JoBros - Jonas. Though neither of these warranted the attention of Life With Derek (for me) or Hannah Montana (for him), they were not to be flipped past should they be on.

This all being said, I just happened to watch Miley's performance at the Teen Choice Awards on YouTube. I'm kind of appalled. She pole danced on a pushable ice cream cart! You could see her mesh bra when she danced! And let's not forget that she CAN NOT sing to save her life (those JoBros though....they're decent singers when the younger two aren't off breaking hearts). On the other hand...she's almost 17. I danced like her when I was 17. Not on stage at an award's show, but I danced like her, and raunchier too. My junior prom I wore a more revealing dress and my bra showed sometimes. But it wasn't indecent. She wasn't indecent...was she? (link if you wanna check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRrwPAM2LuU&NR=1)

I guess my only complaint is that I hold these Disney Channel "stars" up to a higher standard. Demi (who performed at our state fair just two days ago), Selena, Miley, all three of the Jonases...they should be extra careful. Yes, sometimes that means no fun. Nick should stop dating for a while - or at least stop dating Selena and Miley. Miley should cover up and be more professional (have you seen her interviews?). Joe should stop dating high profile people or at least not write songs about them. But then so should Taylor Swift...actually she can just go hide in a cave for the rest of her life. Country/Pop can live without her. (side note: heard her three times today at the state fair...had to slap boyfriend to get him to stop humming along.) Demi's not well enough known to really need to watch out and Selena seems to have learned her lesson after the whole Selena/Miley/Nick thing.

And after that last paragraph I realized I read way too many teen magazines and spend way too much time on YouTube watching whatever they have on their front page for my own good. But it's late. And I don't mind being candid with you guys. You'll still love meeeee. Right? C's lucky. She got out with just High School Musical and the JoBros. I've been pulled in and I don't think there's a way out.

FYI, decent Disney artists in my book: Jonas Brothers (Paranoid = love), Mitchel Musso (In Crowd = sing along), Demi Levato (dat girl got lungs!).


Jezli H said...

I kind of have to @_@ at this because I think Disney has gone way down the tube (haha tube, get it?). Even when I was in middle school I couldn't relate to how obscenely cliche all their shows are.. but to each her own. I do love watching TV after school though! My Fair Lady was on yesterday and I thought it was way better than Breakfast at Tiffany's. Blasphemy, I know!

Alaurei said...

Oh man I wish I could relate. I mean seriously. My roommate always had MTV on but we rarely watched the Disney channel. But now that I'm home, my brother and I are addicted to NCIS and Burn Notice on USA, which is something that I had never previously watched. But I do understand what you're saying about the high standards though. I think we have the right to judge her though - she has such a high influence over younger girls and should definitely be in check when performing on stage like that. Wow, just wow.