
Note to self:

When you're sick, please don't drink. It only makes things worse. Now you can't go to the junior high tomorrow to help out. I mean, really? Not cool.

Should you be sick again and choose to drink, please don't decide to sing songs at the top of your lungs past 1am. Please don't sing songs you really can't sing, including (but in no way limited to) 1985, Free Falling and Santeria. Now what are you going to do if you get called on in class, huh? You sound like you're about to cry, if you can even make noise at all.

Should you choose to do these things anyway, please don't put off your two essays, reading analysis, 100 pages of reading and studying for your test on Tuesday until Sunday. Night. At 11. I mean...really!

Seriously self? The hell were you thinking this weekend?

...oh, but it was worth it. XD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you beat everyone at Munchkin....while drinking....while sick. I call a rematch.