

I'm not sure if this is a college thing or a Midwest thing, so I'd like to throw it out there for your thought. I've been at college for two full years and a couple months now, and I've had plenty of time to go back to the real world for extended periods of time and travel around the country and all that stuff. And I've noticed something.

No matter what college you're at, people hold doors open for others. Now, it's not always the official, "here let me get that door while I let a whole line of people walk in." No, I'm not saying that, but people do indeed push/pull doors open behind them or wait for people to go through...it's not just the selfish "get the door for myself and myself only" mentality I dealt with in high school. I think it has to do with the massive volume of people rushing in and out of buildings, but I can't be certain. It might just be a Midwest thing, since I've never been to a West coast college during their normal school year, but I'm inclined to think that's not so. I am fairly certain it's just a college thing though because people certainly don't do this outside of college towns. I get doors slamming shut in my face anytime I go back home or to an area that isn't centered around the college. People just aren't as aware of other people.

I think it's a really great little gesture that makes people a bit happier. It's really not a big deal, but isn't it nice when you go to open a door and it's not coming back at you with full force from the guy ahead of you who just barged his way through? And you think to yourself, oh, yay, that was more convenient. And you hold the door open as you walk in so the person behind you doesn't have to slam their way through either and the chain just continues! We'd be saving arm strength and helping rid the world of grumpy people at the same time! But people don't do that in the real world. I had someone almost slam into me when I was walking into a restaurant (side note: Japanese totally ruined my ability to spell that word, I never do it right). I was at the end of my group and I held the door open behind me and I guess the person thought I wouldn't and he kinda rushed forward and yanked it back and caused a great deal of noise. I jumped (naturally, you all know how jumpy I am) and spun around and he had this surprised look on his face. "Oh. Sorry...I thought..." "It's okay, I'm jumpy," and I rush away.

So here's what I'm wondering. Do you guys hold doors open for people at college? What about in the "real world"? Do people hold doors open for you? Do you think it makes any difference? On my way to class today, I held a door open for a potential future student and her mother and they seemed very surprised. The whole big, "Oh! Thank you!" thing and I just nodded and smiled a bit. Is it really that big of a deal to hold a door open for others?


Alaurei said...

It's so funny that you wrote about this because I was just thinking it over today. It is definitely a college thing, I think because I saw it both at Sonoma and here at Chapman. I absolutely love it. Even though it's such a small thing, it is so kind and polite and it makes all the difference. The only thing I could see getting better is that many people will just walk through, not even making eye contact or nodding in your direction or muttering a thank you. It's as if you are the door holder and that's your job, haha. But there are still some people who say thanks, and I try to remember to do it every time. :]

Jezli H said...

I have never had a door slammed in my face, not in school or anywhere outside of it. If the next person is inconveniently far away, you don't need to hold it open (and if someone does this, I feel forced to run for the door anyway). And almost everyone says thank you or nods. I can't even remember a case where it was otherwise...