
Skeleton Keys

This is how my thought process works.

Boy: "So then they stick the skeleton key in..."
Girl: "Ew, stop, I don't like scary movies."

I think skeleton key. Oh, Mario Party item. Now what did it do? Oh yeah, reach a door and it unlocks it. But they were talking about sticking a key in someone. How's that for bad innuendo? Heh, I'll stick my skeleton key in you baby, unlock your...wait a minute. Stick a key in someone...unlock their death...CABOOSE! "Or...maybe it's a key all the time and when you stick it in someone...it unlocks their death!"

So now I'm thinking about Caboose and giggling my ass off, wanting so badly to play Halo.

Yeah. I think I might know what Caboose's world is like. I have fun here too. XD

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