
Oh yeah, be-tee-dubs

I'm going back to Mizzou. Just fyi.

A lot of you are like, "WTF mate, she's going to Mizzou again? I thought she was going to Ball State if she got in? And she did, right?" Yeah. Well. Ball State is lovely. I feel so comfortable on the campus and I love the program there. But it was going to take me 4 years to get 2 teaching degrees. B/c in IN, you can only teach journalism if you have a journalism education degree, not just an English education degree. In MO, you can teach journalism with just an English teaching degree. And that only adds a year, maybe half a year to my total. So let's see. 4.5 years or 6 years of college? Yeah, definitely going with the shorter one. Besides, this way I keep my photojournalism degree, which I wanted to do anyway - I only balked b/c it was going to take 3 more years for one education degree, 4 more for two education degrees...wanna try for 4.5 more years? I also keep my Japanese minor (Ball State doesn't like it if you only take one course in that subject there and use transfer credits to obtain a minor) and probably my Creative Writing minor. Annnnd I might go to Greece for a short English program next summer to help speed that along. And then I'll do the wilderness thing after I get back. Screw internships, who needs 'em? XD (You kinda don't if you're planning on teaching. How strange.)

You know what? That leaves out the emotional factor. A lot of my transfer was based on a desire to be closer to K. Long distance really strains a relationship, and by attending Ball State I could get the education I wanted while making our relationship a lot easier, ensuring our future. Well, the relationship's over. For a while, I couldn't even fathom being at Ball State. Too close. Mizzou was too close. I needed to transfer to a community college in SD, stat. That was seriously my thinking. Force J to let me live with her or her close, trustworthy friend who happened to have a spare room. For almost 2 weeks, I just set college aside. I did not want to deal with it. When I finally did, I calmly and logically reached the conclusion above, after meeting with an academic advisor for an hour and wandering around Ball State's campus for an hour more. Emotionally, I kept my support group at Mizzou. I have my security blanket. I ensure that my life doesn't overlap with his. I make sure that there isn't too much change in my life all at once.

I also volunteer at the Humane Society. I walk dogs and it's just a ton of fun. Sometimes I'll wash dishes in the kitchen, but there's usually a couple small dogs in cages there, so I'll sing along with the radio and that seems to keep them from barking too much. XD I'm very reasonably certain I specifically helped a dog get adopted two weeks ago. And I finally picked my new favorite. So he's next to be adopted (b/c the adopted one was my favorite before). I also help a lot at the race track on my brother's car. It's pretty exciting. He's leading the points series at two tracks right now. So that's nice.

Sorry to break these fun-but-serious posts with all this stuff. We'll be back to your regularly scheduled blogging soon.

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