

Apple is really starting to bother me. Especially their "introducing iOS5" video. If you don't feel like watching, it basically goes like this.

     We have unobtrusive notifications now! And you can go directly to view that message/email/missed call! We are awesome! What do you mean Android has been doing that the whole time...? No, no you must be lying, we are clearly superior. This puts us years above anyone else because the way we do it is so stylish. Wait, you mean people actually created skins to make it look prettier on Android? Pff, why would anyone want to change the amazing styling of Apple. They can't do that. We are king.
     We also have a cool new newsstand for your magazines if you have purchased one of our $500+ tablets. Because we have exclusive contracts with magazines for publishing them electronically. Because we are Apple and we are God.
     Wanna know what else we added? NOTES! No more need for downloading the Evernote app because we thought it was such a great idea, we just incorporated it into our stuff. Yaaaaay us. Guess what else we thought was cool! Photo apps! So we are now letting you edit photos after you take them. Whooo, are we awesome or what?
     Oh hey, oh hey! We've now integrated Twitter! Zing, take that Android! WHAT?! NO! STOP SAYING ANDROID HAS DONE THIS! YOU LIE!

The only positive thing I can say? If you do have an iPad, new Safari capabilities seem fairly cool. And if you have an Apple to television wireless thing you can connect your iPad even more. So basically...if you've spent a whole bunch of money on Apple products before, they work even better together. Which is nice and is what they should be striving for anyway.

I don't know, I don't mean to sound like I'm hating on Apple so much b/c I really do quite enjoy my old Leopard-running MacBook Pro. But I don't like their calendar and I don't like their mail and I find myself using Google products a lot more.

Oh, but what does it matter anyway? In 5 years everything we use a computer (or the "smart" aspects of our smartphones) for is going to be done through a web browser. Operating systems will be obsolete.

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