

My best friend posted an adorable video blog about her disliking her hair and dimples. Now, I am no stranger to the concept of a love-hate relationship with my hair and don't even get me started on my pimples, but I love my dimples and I love my freckles and I am here to prove it.

J did this pose during her video blog. It's kinda goofy, right? But you see those dimples? That one true dimple right by my mouth? That outer line that looks like it's about to form a double chin? That weird one on the other side that comes straight from my nose?

Aren't they cool?! Aren't they weird and cute and adorable?! The correct answer is yes. Yes they are. Always and forever, dimples are awesome.

1 comment:

Jezli H said...

Hahahahaha you're my favorite person ever. :))) <3 <3 <3