

It really pisses me off when people pronounce education like that. I mean really pisses me off. It's not like anyone really says it that way. You aren't making fun of anyone by saying it that way, you just sound like a douche. Anyway, I just wanted to have a good title. Onto my real topic.

I decided to double major on a whim. I had my major and three minors, but wanted something that wouldn't make anyone who read my resume be like, "What was she thinking, taking three minors? They certainly don't make her look appealing for this job - she can't make up her mind! I bet she still has no clue what she wants and only picked this major because she thinks it's easy to take photographs. NEXT!" And yes, I have pictured people thinking that when I show up for an interview.

So I decided to turn Japanese into a major. I got that all organized. I met with my new adviser for International Studies. Then I decided I was going to graduate in 3.5 years, not 4. That was kind of insane. But even now, I still could do it. I could still make it work. It would be difficult and what not, but hey, it can be done!

But it won't. I'm going to double major in 4 years and maybe get a minor. Not sure. Or I could just stay a few more years, get a major in teaching. Pff, might as well go to Ball State for that. I'm diverting from where I thought this post would go, but that's ok. It makes for a better post anyway.

I'm finding that I'm not entirely certain in my major. Well, no. I love journalism. I want to take photos. We got that part down. My Japanese major is just convenient, but I have this lingering desire to teach at the high school level. Preferably 9th or 10th grade (honors) English or some sort of photography or journalism. But I need a totally different major for that. And I can't get a teaching major with my other majors b/c they don't allow that here. So I'm kind of considering transferring to Ball State in Indiana...? I considered going there my senior year. They have Japanese and are strong for journalism and have a really good teaching program as far as Indiana goes. And overall they're a cool school. More liberal artsy than Mizzou, still decent sports teams (where did they come from last year in football man? daaaang) and I absolutely love their campus. I'd be closer to home and closer to friends. I know some people from HiLite (younger than me) who decided to go there, and even one who is double majoring in journalism and Japanese. I could be happy and finally shut up this little voice in the back of my head. And I would be totally set for life job wise. Hey local newspaper, need a photographer? Sure! Hey local high school, need an English/Photography/Journalism teacher? Sure! Hey random business company, need a Japanese translator? Hell yes!

But then there's the flip side. I think I only want this because my mom's mom was a teacher and my mom was a teaching major but she only taught for a few years before realizing her mom forced her into that. I don't have the forcing into that, yet I still have the desire. But I'm a lot like my mom and I don't think I would have the patience for teaching. And what the hell would I do in college for 6 years? Yeah, I think that's what it would take to graduate with all that. Maybe 5.5. I don't know. And transferring universities? What if I regret it? What if I get there, start my teaching courses, and then figure out I hate teaching?

I probably won't change majors anymore. If I still have a strong desire to teach after I graduate, I'll figure out a way to make it happen. Let's work with what I have now though. Photojournalism, Japanese, English/Art minor. Sounds good. Seems fun, right? I think I might take an Art class next semester just to do ceramics. I've always thought that would be relaxing. We'll see. Too far off to really know.

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